
Healthcare policy

The magical thinking that passes for healthcare policy

The “debate” (read: ranting) about healthcare policy on my media feeds is – there is no other way to put this – mostly bullshit. At best, it’s magical thinking. At worst, it’s a cold-hearted, callous disregard for those who can least afford the “luxury” of participating in the most technologically advanced heath care delivery system in the world. (Note I didn’t say “the best,” but that’s a different post). Let’s get this one thing straight at the outset: this post isn’t…

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Greed, the EpiPen, and what’s killing healthcare

There is something wrong with healthcare in this country. Greed. Greed is what’s killing healthcare. It isn’t President Obama’s fault, and it isn’t the Affordable Care Act. Let’s just get that out of the way so that those of you with no interest in hearing an alternative explanation can stop reading now. Greed is what’s killing healthcare. Everybody says so, in the wake of the story of Heather Bresch, CEO of Mylan NV, and the EpiPen. Ms. Bresch is suffering…

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A Heart as Good as New

My eyes open. My first thought is, Maddie and Flaun will be worried, I’ve been gone so long. Then the thought, How could I possibly know it’s been a long time? I have no idea what time it is. I look up and see a nurse. He is typing fast and diligently looking at a computer. His eyes are locked on the screen. Please see me, I think, for I have not yet found words. I’m here. I’m alive. Can…

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