
Live long and happy, and think about death

Yesterday I published About Aging Gracefully.  That same morning two things showed up on my social media timeline that together said, “Maybe bullshit was too strong a word.”  That said, “You want to know how to age gracefully?  Here you go.” First up was a November 2015 TED talk that showed up on a friend’s timeline.  In it, Robert Waldinger, the fourth and current director of the Harvard Study of Adult Development, reminded me – yes, again – that only one thing determined above all else whether…

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Do You Want to be Happy?

Here’s an easy question, a universal question: Would you like to be happy? Well, duh. Try an experiment with me.  Really.  Like most things in life, this will be more useful if you actually do it as opposed to just thinking about it.  Take a piece of paper, turn it sideways, and make three columns.  I’ll wait while you go get the necessary supplies. First, in the left most column of your paper, write down the first three things that come…

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