
Las Vegas – Is this what they mean by “the genuine heart of sadness?”

I can barely contain my tears today. Is this the genuine heart of sadness? I wrote that, and much of what follows, this morning in an email to a friend of nearly 50 years. Now I write it for you. All of you. Everyone. Even, maybe especially, those of you with whom I disagree about things that matter   When I woke Monday to the news from Las Vegas, I remember feeling first the suffering of all those people injured.…

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How to live a happier life

You can decide that you will live a happier life, starting right now. I think I can tell you how to live a happier life, unfailingly, in less than 900 words. I also believe that you can take this transformative step without medication, psychotherapy, coaching, or anything other than a decision. What’s not to like? There is a continuous cycle between our mindset (our expectations of the world), our behavior (how we act based on our mindset), our experience (how our…

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The Gift of Hope

It’s really hard to get into the holiday spirit these days while innundated with the siren call of greed, commercial profiteering, and everywhere the trappings of privilege. Ferguson. New York. Florida. Brown, Garner, Martin. Racism. Unequal pay for equal work; hell, let’s be honest, lesser pay for greater work. Rape culture. Controlled access to medicine that should be between a woman and her doctor. Sexism. Torture, for the love of all that is holy. What are we to make of a…

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