Writing & stories & stuff

Closed borders won't making us safer, thinking might

Closed borders will not make us safer

The linked article about the Bastille attacker takes more time, than you might usuallly want to spend. Do it anyway. Thinking and reading might be the only thing that will make us safer. This article articulates everything that’s wrong, strategically if not morally, with what is happening at the stroke of President Trump’s pen. Closing our borders will not make us safer. Understanding might. The need for meaning can make us less safe Human beings have a remarkably strong, even…

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The first rule of blogging: don’t publish crap

You should thank me. Really. You should thank me because today I applied the first rule of blogging: don’t publish crap. If you’ve read my blog, Awakened Moments, for the past couple of days, you know I’m participating in a Problogger challenge. In it, every day for a week I am given a style of post in which to write, and my job is to generate content in that style. So far, first there was a list post, then a…

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The 31 days of December – Blog Challenge Time

A 31-day blog challenge? Now? As busy as you are, as much as you’re traveling, with all that’s going on? All good questions, along with the appended good, if rhetorical, one: Are you nuts? A friend once said, in response to me asking this question at an earlier time in my life: “Well, yes, you are kinda nuts. But I don’t see any reason to be judgmental about it.” Apt, I thought then, and still. So here’s the story: About…

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On marriage, writing, and writing about marriage

Sometimes the comments posted to online articles are as important as the article itself. This morning I read a blog post at The Good Men Project titled Marriage is No Fairy Tale. I liked it when I read it, but when I read the comments I saw something I didn’t expect. I saw that readers and writers interact in a way that can be either heartwarming or painful or both at once. I also saw the degree to which we tend…

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