
The first rule of blogging: don’t publish crap

You should thank me. Really. You should thank me because today I applied the first rule of blogging: don’t publish crap. If you’ve read my blog, Awakened Moments, for the past couple of days, you know I’m participating in a Problogger challenge. In it, every day for a week I am given a style of post in which to write, and my job is to generate content in that style. So far, first there was a list post, then a…

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Sometimes Things Just Don’t Work

I started to write a blog post tonight, as part of the 31dayblogchallenge.  About how being happy isn’t always what’s it’s cracked up to be.  About how forcing happiness is a sure fire way to be miserable.  It’s the dark side of being happy. The idea was a good one, I think.  But when I finished writing it, I hated it. The lesson for today is: forcing the thing that makes you happy is a sure fire way to be…

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The 31 days of December – Blog Challenge Time

A 31-day blog challenge? Now? As busy as you are, as much as you’re traveling, with all that’s going on? All good questions, along with the appended good, if rhetorical, one: Are you nuts? A friend once said, in response to me asking this question at an earlier time in my life: “Well, yes, you are kinda nuts. But I don’t see any reason to be judgmental about it.” Apt, I thought then, and still. So here’s the story: About…

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On marriage, writing, and writing about marriage

Sometimes the comments posted to online articles are as important as the article itself. This morning I read a blog post at The Good Men Project titled Marriage is No Fairy Tale. I liked it when I read it, but when I read the comments I saw something I didn’t expect. I saw that readers and writers interact in a way that can be either heartwarming or painful or both at once. I also saw the degree to which we tend…

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