
Las Vegas – Is this what they mean by “the genuine heart of sadness?”

I can barely contain my tears today. Is this the genuine heart of sadness? I wrote that, and much of what follows, this morning in an email to a friend of nearly 50 years. Now I write it for you. All of you. Everyone. Even, maybe especially, those of you with whom I disagree about things that matter   When I woke Monday to the news from Las Vegas, I remember feeling first the suffering of all those people injured.…

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Life is just too short

Life is just too short to waste a moment of it. Really. Really, really. Too. Damn. Short. Let’s get this in perspective: if the entire 4.5-billion-year history of the earth were condensed down to a year: Humans (the genus homo) appeared today, about 4 hours, 52 minutes ago Archaic humans (subgenus homo) appeared 1 hour, 10 minutes ago Anatomically modern humans (homo sapiens) appeared 23 minutes, 21.6 seconds ago The average human lifespan in the US, as of 2015, is…

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