
Losing a child – The brief life of Gabriel Liam Kertay

Every year I tell myself I’m going to write a new post about losing a child. I never do. A couple of years ago, I realized that in this post, I left it all on the table. I republished it with a few minor changes, and today I’m doing it again. Because whether or not it needs saying, I want to say happy birthday to our angel and 5th of our 6 children, Gabriel. What follows is desperately sad, but…

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Live long and happy, and think about death

Yesterday I published About Aging Gracefully.  That same morning two things showed up on my social media timeline that together said, “Maybe bullshit was too strong a word.”  That said, “You want to know how to age gracefully?  Here you go.” First up was a November 2015 TED talk that showed up on a friend’s timeline.  In it, Robert Waldinger, the fourth and current director of the Harvard Study of Adult Development, reminded me – yes, again – that only one thing determined above all else whether…

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