Corporate Failure

mental health while working at home - stressed mom and her daughter

Mental health and the sins of the fathers

“The sins of the fathers are to be laid upon the children” (from Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice, Act III, Scene V). And so it goes when we start to talk about mental health in the US, and the US workforce. My social media advisor would tell me not to use the article I’ve linked below. It’s an old article (2013), it’s critical of Ronald Reagan (a third rail, although he might not mind that so much), and it’s just…

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Getting fired sucks

Getting fired sucks

It was official May 31. I got fired. Again. At least, that’s how it felt. Getting fired sucks, even when it’s not personal. Maybe especially then. I’d actually known since the 9th. That’s when the conversational rubicon was first crossed, that moment when it’s spoken aloud that the company perhaps can’t keep your role intact. That you might be consulting part time rather than employed. It’s not personal, it’s business. It’s revenue, or a new direction, or something, anything other…

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Without a Net

I am terrified of heights. More precisely, I am deathly afraid of falling from a high place. Getting up on the roof is pretty easy and I like the view. Getting on the ladder to come down, on the other hand, has been known to freeze me in place for many minutes of terror, indecision, and cold sweat. Oddly, the flip side of this terror is that I’ve never been able to stand at a high place without an impulse…

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